Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: UK Petrol Price Protests planned for this coming Wednesday
Harrison 16:12 10th December 2007
Everyone living in the UK who drives has to agree that the current petrol prices are getting out of hand. The average price for unleaded fuel in my area is now £1.02 per litre, and I've seen some garages at £1.06. And diesel seems to keep climbing higher with most now at between £1.06 and £1.10 a litre.

So a group called Transaction 2007 is planning a "nationwide legal protest" this Wednesday. Go to the following site for more details about this.

I hope it works as the price of fuel is getting too expensive.
AlexJ 16:13 10th December 2007
You got the email too then.

It's now been moved to Saturday 10am as most people will be off work then and able to take part.
Stephen Coates 16:51 10th December 2007
They should just lower it to £1.00 to keep it simple.

BTW, do any of you guys care about the odd couple of pence when buying petrol? It's just that people in my family always moan about having to pay an extra 1p/litre, or that petrol station A is a penny cheaper than petrol station B.
AlexJ 17:21 10th December 2007
1p/litre on a 40 litre tank is 40p extra a fill. When you consider how many times you fill up, it adds up to quite a bit.
Harrison 17:27 10th December 2007
Exactly. But if you take it further. Just after the last petrol blockades a couple of years ago petrol dropped to about £0.87 per litre. Now if you compare that to the current £1.02 we are paying 15p a litre more, which on a 40 litre tank adds up to now paying £6 more each time you fill up. Or on my car, which has a 60 litre tank, I'm now paying an extra £9 each time!

The argument "does an extra 1p really matter?" does matter because if we keep letting them add an extra 1p on to the price, it quickly goes up and up.

This is even worse when you consider that the price of a barrel of oil is now actually falling in price!