Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: TV Themes
Buleste 12:00 7th December 2007
If anyone is interested in TV Themes then probably the best site is Mark Littles My Themes. It mainly covers American Tv shows but there are British shows in there and theres always a mystery theme. Great for Pub Quizes.
Harrison 00:20 8th December 2007

Although the mention of pub quizzes brings back some nightmares. Ages ago we heard that a local pub was holding quizzes each month so we decided to have a go. We had 5 people in our team, but all the other teams were obviously locals well known to the pub and had played against each other for a very long time, so we felt like complete outsiders. And it got worse. The Quiz was completely music based and from the age of most of the teams about 50 years before we were all born! Suffice to say we came last every time that we entered until eventually gave up going!
Submeg 09:27 8th December 2007
Lol, sounds like the questions from trivial pursuit!