Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Bvision
Buleste 09:11 3rd December 2007
A fully working Bvision from Sweden for £50.00 and this guy also has a PPC for sale as well.
Harrison 09:29 3rd December 2007

BTW, is it true that with the 040 version of the PPC Blizzard cards you can swap the CPU over for an 060? I read that on a few sites recently but was unsure as I thought the two chips wouldn't be the same pin layout.
Buleste 10:33 3rd December 2007
You can put an 060 on a 040 board if the 040 is not soldered on but is in a socket. If you have an older blizzard 040 you can put an 060 in it if it is a socket as well. Carefull of the pins though.
Harrison 10:43 3rd December 2007
Cool. That is always interesting to know, although finding a 060 CPU is probably harder than finding a blizzard PPC with an 060 already installed!
Buleste 10:50 3rd December 2007
If you have a steady hand and a good soldering iron you can overclock your PPC and 040/060 on the board but if you've just paid a lot of money for one i wouldn't recommend it.

And now following will be posts of people who have fried their boards.
Harrison 10:58 3rd December 2007
A similar thing is possible on the A4000, where you can overclock the standard 25MHz CPU board so it runs at 33MHz, and some have even had them running at 40MHz. But personally I wouldn't want to risk it and am more happy just having an A4000 that works!
Buleste 10:58 3rd December 2007
Although if you are going to try to O/C the 040/060 i would reccomend getting a Crystal socket from Amikit. That way if you have overheating issues you can easily put in the old crystal without using a Soldering Iron.
Harrison 11:00 3rd December 2007
Good tip, always better to be able to revert back from any mods to hardware.
Buleste 11:03 3rd December 2007
I wish i'd thought of that tip before i killed my old 060 board by o/cing it. Still we live and learn, unless it's a lesson about how to handle high voltage cables and then you don't learn a thing unless you are lucky.