Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Quiz 1 results
Harrison 16:53 6th February 2007
Bugger! Wish I had taken the time to PM you my answers last week that I already had. I would have got 7 right. Oh well, is my own fault so I'm only to blaim.

Congrats to everyone for getting some of them right. I will be awarding the points to each of you later this evening and also adding the Quiz award medal/trophy to the awards section and to the winners profile.
Teho 18:00 6th February 2007
Well, can't really say I'm unhappy with this result!

I thought I didn't do too well, really. I mean I knew I had several answers wrong, so I'm happy it still went this well.

About Elite, would you believe I hardly ever played the original? Considering the sequel is one of my absolute favourites it would seem strange, but there it is. The game somehow managed to escape me completely through the years, and so I hadn't even heard of it before Frontier came out. Seriously!

Didn't recognise Last Crusade at all. I was so sure it was a Sierra adventure, the graphics style looked so much like it.

And nobody else got Nuclear Wars. If that actually means most of you never played it, I hereby demand that is what you load up next time you start WinUAE. One of the greatest, most ridiculous little game I ever played.
rayzorblue 18:48 6th February 2007
woohoo im ecstatic lol i never thought i would do so good.

i cant believe i was the only one that got goldrunner it was one of the first games i had.

Great quiz as well by the way just wish id started it earlier i should have got goblins and settlers but couldnt remember the name of settlers lol
Harrison 21:33 6th February 2007
Even though I didn't get my answers in (sorry DC), I had recognised many of them. And I was also stumped by the Last Crusade one. I too was thinking it was a Sierra adventure and spent ages starring at the picture trying to work out what it was. That Nuclear Wars one also had me stumped. I remembered that screenshot so well but could not think of the game. I kept thinking it was a submarine game for some reason.
Submeg 22:24 6th February 2007
Lol, it just goes to prove why I just dont try unless I know them...I havent played a huge selection of games, so it makes it hard for me....I was just a little late for the height of the Amiga
Demon Cleaner 06:11 7th February 2007
These were mainly games I played a lot. I played a lot Elite together with my cousin, spent hundreds of afternoons with the game.

I also played a lot of Zany Golf, it's the best minigolf simulation i know of, give it a try. Although the picture with the hamburger could be confusing Teho had an idea, but that was too simple, Hamburger Hill and Alexj2002 and JT had a good try with Theme Park, which could have been right.

The Pawn was one of the first amiga adventures I played, and for that time, it had never seen awesome graphics.

One of my favorite adventures of course is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I also played Fate of Atlantis, but preferred Last Crusade. The screenshot is taken from the library in Venice.

Alien Breed was the only game that everyone got right. That was one of the games, which I haven't played on the amiga, but took it because of its popularity (else no one would have any points ).

The first shmups I played and one of the first that was released on the amiga, was of course Goldrunner, so I thought that at least some of you ould recognize. I think it was something for the more "aged" gamers among us.

And Nuclear War is definitely a must play, so much fun. And this screenshot is also very popular, could of course confuse some of you, but that was the point

And shame on those that didn't get Goblins, if you really haven't played any of the 3 releases, you should try. The graphics are so unique, everyone should recognize. Same counts for UFO and The Settlers, I think that the screenshots can not mislead, but that's only my opinion, and as I know the games, because I played and loved them, doesn't mean everybody does know them.
Submeg 12:13 7th February 2007
Hehe lots of thought going in there!
Harrison 12:14 7th February 2007
Some of the screenshots definitely could mislead. I recognised most, but could not work out where they were from. But then that is a good thing for a quiz.

When will you be making the next quiz? As I definitely want to try and submit some answers this time.
Submeg 12:25 7th February 2007
He's too sneaky! Off with his head!
Demon Cleaner 13:28 7th February 2007
Originally Posted by :
He's too sneaky! Off with his head!
Point hunter thou shall be called.
Originally Posted by :
When will you be making the next quiz?
Soon I think. I did a C64 conversion screenshot quiz, you remember? I think I'm gonna do another one like that.
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