Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: 4000(t) 060 in Sweden
Buleste 10:18 28th November 2007
An Amiga 4000 in an Eagle tower with 060 CV64/3d and a few other cards
Harrison 11:35 28th November 2007
Very nice indeed. If I had the space to put that I would be very tempted to bid on it, even with the shipping costs involved getting it to the UK.

Some of the cards in that machine are worth a lot on their own. The network card is easily worth £100 on it's own, and the 060 CPU card is worth another £300 at least.

I think this auction could end up quite high. Although I have recently been surprised by how cheaply A4000's have been selling. It seems they are now going for around £200 for a desktop version which is really low, because last year they were easily going for just under £1000.
Buleste 11:40 28th November 2007
Shall we run a book on what the end price will be?

If i had the money I'd pay upto £500 only because PPC and a better graphics card is desired.
Harrison 11:54 28th November 2007
It's already had 17 bids so is quite popular, although with that number I would have thought the price would be much higher than the current £195.00, and with only a day to go.

I'm thinking it might only end at around £300, although I could be wrong and the bidding could shoot up right at the end. If that happens then you could be right, or it might even end higher than that.
Buleste 15:10 29th November 2007
If you include P&P i was bang on with £500.00. I knew we should have run a book.