Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus
Demon Cleaner 01:07 23rd November 2007
The newest game of the Phantasy Star series has been released this week.
Harrison 12:21 23rd November 2007
It's actually an expansion pack for the recent Phantasy Star Universe. And is released on Xbox 360, PS2 and PC. It can be downloaded on Xbox Live by existing PSU players, or can be purchased in stores for PS2 and PC.

The list of additions it brings to the game sounds worth while, and while it can be played offline in the single player campaign, you would get the most from it online, which requires the same GUARDIANS License as the main game, which costs $9.99 per month to play online.

Full details and screenshots can be found at the official site,

I've been a big fan of the Phantasy Stat universe since the Dreamcast days, having played Phantasy Star Online for hundreds of hours online, and it was the first truly online massively multiplayer game, and at the time contained something that has been hard to describe ever since. I think Phantasy Star Universe didn't really change enough of the game mechanics since the Dreamcast games to attact that many new players as the way the game plays might be quite odd to new players, but for fans of the series it is very enjoyable. However I've not played PSU online yet (instead only playing through the single player campaign) so I don't know how well populated or fun the current game is online, but the fact they have released an expansion pack must mean it sold well and is being played.
v85rawdeal 16:24 24th November 2007
Certainly would be one I would like to see on the full range of next-gen consoles.

With its heritage being and pedigree stemming from the Dreamcast, it should be an easy transition to a fully-fledged console-based mmorpg!

Another game for clan classicamiga to invade!
Harrison 08:05 26th November 2007
The good thing about the Phantasy Star games is that they suit a small group of people playing together due to the instanced nature of the game world, with the hubs being the only main places to see and chat to everyone in the game. Therefore this would definitely work well as a game for us to play, as 2-4 of us could join up for games.

I also hope it gets a release on the PS3, because this is quickly becoming the next gen platform everyone here owns. It is already out on the PS2 so shouldn't be that hard to port, and the Xbox 360 version is out, meaning the graphics for next gen quality have already been made. But I think it will depend on how popular the game and expansion are on the current release platforms first.
Demon Cleaner 22:02 26th November 2007
That would definitely be a game which I would play online, if it's released on the PS3. I still prefer RPGs to FPS but having played R:FOM lately, I have to say that I'm getting into it slowly, I'm currently in the 6th or 7th level. And I already considered buying CoD4.
Harrison 09:49 27th November 2007
The newer FPS games are definitely much more immersive and draw you in compared to a few years ago. When FPS games were just run around and shoot everything (like Quake and Doom) they definitely were not as interesting or appealing to many people. There is definitely much more to enjoy from games like CoD4 or MOH: Airborne.