Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: New Abandonia
Buleste 09:00 22nd November 2007
The new look Abandonia has finally reopened. If yoiu didn't have the link before here it is
Harrison 10:53 22nd November 2007
Very nice. It is good to see someone using Drupal (A CMS similar to Joomla but streamlined and meant to be fast). I've tried building sites using it in the past and it is quite hard to use and not intuitive at all, so when i see a site using it they have my respect.
Buleste 11:03 22nd November 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Very nice. It is good to see someone using Drupal (A CMS similar to Joomla but streamlined and meant to be fast). I've tried building sites using it in the past and it is quite hard to use and not intuitive at all, so when i see a site using it they have my respect.
Que? Me english no understandy gobbildy gook.
Harrison 11:42 22nd November 2007
CMS = Content Management System

Joomla = Most popular CMS in the world, and what I use for

Drupal = another CMS similar to Joomla, but more complicated to setup and manage, but meant to be faster once you have got to grips with it.