Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 1.4.5 public beta #12
Demon Cleaner 13:40 15th November 2007
Beta 12:

Originally Posted by :
- path selection really fixed now
- do not mount cd/dvdroms on the fly if removable automount was enabled
- uaenet partially rewritten, "should" be working properly now
* multicast supported, including multicast filter (not tested)
* IEEE 802.3 frame support (I think)
* CMD_FLUSH implemented
* stats trackers implemented, probably do not work correctly yet..
* globalstats fixed
* multiple openers handled correctly
* interrupt handler setup is still very ugly
* SANA2IOF_RAW supported
* S2_PacketFilter hook supported (not tested)
* (Genesis still refuses to send anything but I think the problem canīt be uaenet.device but something else. Also Genesis calls S2_ONLINE before S2_CONFIGINTERFACE which is against the spec..)
