Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Vga Adaptor
JLPedro 12:24 15th November 2007
How do i get 30khz on display? I have a vga adaptor and with DblPal i only get 27khz....
witch is not reconized by my lcd or crt.
Harrison 12:37 15th November 2007
There should also be a VGA mode that will give you 30KHz. If it's not available as standard you should find the device driver on the Workbench storage disk. Also try the Super72 mode.

But there are also some better VGA mode device drivers available. Have a look on aminet. Do a search for Super72 or VGA to find some you can try.

You could also try some of the custom display drivers created for the Microvitic 1438 monitor. One set of drivers gives modes up to 38.56Khz with a resolution of 768x453 and can be found here.
FOL 13:38 1st December 2007
Couldnt, get this to work, , my monitor sucks,