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Thread: When did you last use a VCR?
Puni/Void 19:09 25th November 2014
Years have passed. Now we don't use DVD-s often either. Got Netflix and the possibility to stream movies from the tuner as well.
Demon Cleaner 19:18 25th November 2014
I ripped my whole DVD collection, put it on the NAS where it's accessible from everywhere. Usually now I download my movies, or rarely I buy a BluRay, but only movies that for me are great.
Harrison 02:02 26th November 2014
I haven't had a DVD player connected under the main TV for over 2 years now, and it was only a couple of days ago that I needed one because my wife bought my 2 year old son The Gruffalo on DVD and he was walking around clutching the DVD box asking me to play it for him. I actually ended up moving the PS3 into the living room and connecting that up to play it. I was initially tempted to quickly download the film and stream it to the TV, but as my wife had purchased the DVD I thought it only fair we play it.

Funny thing is, the next day I went into the living room and the PS3 was on, the controller had been activated (pressing the PS button), the Star Wars BD that had been in the drive was ejected and on the side, and the Gruffalo DVD box was missing. Walked into thr Kitchen and there was Tom walking around trying to work out how to open the case.. he had actually worked out how to turn the PS3 on, eject the disc and activate the controller just by seeing me do it once! Impressed! But also annoyed that he had touched it. Didn't tell him off though.. just said he needed to ask me to do it in future.

Back to the TV, all we have under it normally these days is the SkyHD box. The Samsung TV is a smart TV so can stream films and music from my server upstairs, and Sky does the rest. Don't need anything to play discs normally any more.

We would all the screwed if the internet disappeared though!

And regarding VCRs, I actually need to dig one out and try to connect it up to capture an old Video tape my wife found which contains a series of final performances her University year group did for their final degree presentation. Quite hilarious watching to as it was made 20 years ago, and we want to embarrass her best friend whom spends a lot of the video inside a large stretchy tube.
Stephen Coates 08:33 26th November 2014
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Funny thing is, the next day I went into the living room and the PS3 was on, the controller had been activated (pressing the PS button), the Star Wars BD that had been in the drive was ejected and on the side, and the Gruffalo DVD box was missing. Walked into thr Kitchen and there was Tom walking around trying to work out how to open the case.. he had actually worked out how to turn the PS3 on, eject the disc and activate the controller just by seeing me do it once! Impressed! But also annoyed that he had touched it. Didn't tell him off though.. just said he needed to ask me to do it in future.
Children are very clever. Never underestimate that .

As for VCRs, I have one on the floor, daisy chained via SCART to the Freeview box, which is connected via composite to my Dell U2410. I deliberately watched a VHS tape a couple of months ago.

I ran out of blank VHS tapes last year (the last lot I bought lasted me several years), so I went to Poundland to get some last month. I'm sure they'd had brands like Maxell before, but now they have their own Poundland brand VHS tapes! . I was surprised they would go to the effort of putting their own brand on them, but I bought some and they seem to work fine.

Poundland used to have Maxell UR audio cassettes as well, but now only have their own Poundland ones. Haven't tried those yet.

Have fun with the University tape .
Demon Cleaner 12:45 26th November 2014
I just have a BluRay player, but it makes me a bit mad that I even bought a better one, I have an Oppo 93, which was 700€, but so far I watched perhaps 5 movies on BluRay, what a waste of money
Harrison 23:17 26th November 2014
That's the reason I didn't in the end as these days, like you, I tend to download and stream most movies from my server/nas. I just use my PS3 for BluRays.
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