Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Girls in forum... we should try...
Submeg 11:50 13th November 2007
I take pity on my gf, she likes PS games but cant go back in time to the amiga mssing out on so much
Harrison 11:57 13th November 2007
Well Steve, the reason is that once you have a girlfriend you will quickly learn that they are always right, or you won't have one for long!

For example most women seem to be becoming obsessed with Facebook and see nothing wrong with spending hours sitting their adding pointless applets to their profile and "investigating" old friends profiles to see who they used to know that are still friends with each other. But if we spend the same amount of time looking at retro gaming sites, playing a game, or something similar, they view it as a completely pointless waste of time, as you could be doing something more "useful". That sadly is the way the logic of women works.

There are very are occasions when you do find a girl who actually is on your wavelength and understands why you enjoy your hobbies then do everything you can to keep her!
Tiago 12:07 13th November 2007

My girlfriend looks at my Amiga in my living room and say:
"better enjoy it now, because when we married and i move to your apartment, this "keyboard" will be gone..."

So i must transform the Amiga in something that dont look like a "keyboad".....
Harrison 12:19 13th November 2007
Hang on Tiago. It is "your" apartment! Put your foot down and make her live by your rules!
toomanymikes 12:31 13th November 2007
I can see that happening when hell freezes over! My GF dosent like half the stuff I do but she lets me get on with it and I let her enjoy her stuff that I think is rubbish - like Big Brother, Hollyoaks and all that sort of crap. Seems to work well with this compromise!
Tiago 12:32 13th November 2007
Well we agreed that we both would make the rules. 50% - 50%... but we all know that a computer in the living room is not that kind of decoration that womem like....
My PS2 is ok for her... but the problem is the keys .... room... not compatible with womem....
J T 13:38 13th November 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
If you really want a female Amiga enthusiast on the CA forums, I can wear a wig and pretend to be one
Originally Posted by Harrison:
But we would need photographic evidence!
Woah steady on there, H! You're coming across as a bit eager to have Sharingan is the Classicamiga (and by default - your - ) 'bitch'

Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
There are some girls at

Doesn't anyone here have girlfriends who might take a bit of interest in Amigas?

My wife probably doesn't even know what an Amiga is. And she (jokingly) mocks my posting on forums by referring to them as 'those 'gay' websites'

Not so gay though when I'm using them to find out how to repair the telly/MP3 player/mobile phone/car she has broken or track down that music she can't find or the TV show she missed, eh? Eh? EH?

Harrison 14:26 13th November 2007
Originally Posted by J T:
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
If you really want a female Amiga enthusiast on the CA forums, I can wear a wig and pretend to be one
Originally Posted by Harrison:
But we would need photographic evidence!
Woah steady on there, H! You're coming across as a bit eager to have Sharingan as the Classicamiga (and by default - your - ) 'bitch'
Umm... think I will stop pursuing that joke any further then...

Originally Posted by J T:
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
There are some girls at

Doesn't anyone here have girlfriends who might take a bit of interest in Amigas?

My wife probably doesn't even know what an Amiga is. And she (jokingly) mocks my posting on forums by referring to them as 'those 'gay' websites'

Not so gay though when I'm using them to find out how to repair the telly/MP3 player/mobile phone/car she has broken or track down that music she can't find or the TV show she missed, eh? Eh? EH?

Sounds about right.

Her: "My iPod won't work!"
5 minutes later...
Her: "It works again! How did you do that?"
Me: "I looked it up online"
ten minutes later...
"Why are you on that computer wasting time?!"
Puni/Void 14:33 13th November 2007
Steve wrote:

Originally Posted by :
No, I don't have a girlfriend

Why is it silly? There could be some people who are lucky and have a girlfriend that likes Amigas. After all, we have determined that amiga-liking-girls do exist.
It's not silly at all! I think there's a couple at that are developing games, but I'm not 100% sure though.

My girlfriend is also a bit interested in Amiga's, as she's completed games like Parasol Stars and Superfrog. We've also spent some time playing Deluxe Galaga, but that was years ago before Warblade was released.
Tiago 14:37 13th November 2007
Originally Posted by :
My girlfriend is also a bit interested in Amiga's
PG, how did you do that?
Can i change my girlfriend kickstart?
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