Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Firework displays
Harrison 12:34 5th November 2007
Did anyone see any good Firework Displays at the weekend? Or maybe you are going to one tonight?

The Fishbourne recreation ground held their display again this year which was completely free. Sadly we just missed the main display by the time we got there, as it was much earlier than last year, but another display was going on across the road so we watched that one instead.

There are also some other good ones in that area each year, but we missed them all this year due to other things happening.

The allotment society where my GF has an allotment is holding a Bonfire party tonight, but I'm also going to be missing that as I'm working.

Hopefully next year we will get to see them all.
toomanymikes 12:55 5th November 2007
We go to the top quality display at Banchory every year - they have it before bonfire night so we get to see this one and the one at the beach in Aberdeen which we can see from our bedroom window. Banchory is better though - its shorter but with just as many fireworks crammed into the time, and its surrounded by woodland so the sound booms and bounces off of the trees. It was probably this that caused my daughter to scream 'Daddy I want to go home' at the top of her voice after 5 minutes...
Anyways, my GF is taking her to the beach one tonight as she couldnt make the saturday show and I am being wined and dined by a client. Its a hard life...
TiredOfLife 13:24 5th November 2007
They have a display in our local park.
Should be able to see it from my couch with any luck.
Stephen Coates 14:20 5th November 2007
I went to the one at Clifton Park Yesterday. It was good, but I don't think it was quite as good as last year.

There have also been some good fireworks that I could see out of the window.
Stephen Coates 10:27 6th November 2007
It was hardly worth going to the park on Sunday considering the amount of good fireworks I could see out of the Window.
TiredOfLife 15:03 6th November 2007
Same here.
Everyone tends to use industrial fireworks anyway.
They are always seem to get nicked from the local displays .
toomanymikes 19:09 6th November 2007
the only fireworks i see are the ones behind my eyes! I vow never to drink on a school night again...
Stephen Coates 19:22 6th November 2007
Originally Posted by TiredOfLife:
Same here.
Everyone tends to use industrial fireworks anyway.
They are always seem to get nicked from the local displays .
There was one organisation in my area (I forgot what it's called) who made a fire during last week, ready for bonfire night, and some idiot(s) set fire to it during the week!

They had to appeal on the radio for wood donations. Luckily there were some people who were willing to donate lots of wood and the fire could go ahead.
Harrison 22:31 6th November 2007
You always get some idiots like that.

I'm surprised more don't get lit like that around this time of year, especially with all the youths hanging around doing nothing.
Puni/Void 19:28 7th November 2007
Fireworks will most probably be banned in Norway after the upcoming New Year's celebration. Guess a lot of animals will be happy because of that, as they tend to suffer during the explosions.
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