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Thread: Power XL Floppy
Harrison 16:16 7th March 2008
It definitely looks like a Power Computing External floppy drive. The actual model of drive might be harder to work out though. To use the HD functionality of one of the Power XL drives I think you need to have the drivers installed and booting as part of the Workbench startup sequence. Anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong.

You said the drive came with the XL floppy disks. If needed the instructions and drivers should be on there. I think, but could also be wrong, that this will only work on a Workbench 3 or newer machine, such as an A1200.
Buleste 16:24 7th March 2008
I've noticed that you've had a reply to your post on EAB and someone has said that as your Amigas are 060's the normal XL drivers do not work and has posted a link with the correct drivers.

If anyone else has a XL drive can thay check what it says on the PCB as if it says Powerdrive then Hacky's may be a XL but if it says XL then Hacky has just a spare external DD.
hacky 19:03 7th March 2008
Thank you.

I got the disks from the EAB Zone.
I also found the 060 patch but did not try the 060 patch because I only testet with a normal A1200 @68020. WB3.1/Kick3.1

I tried the driver disks but could not get HD modes running.

I just did some tests with Cyclone.

Cyclone recognizes the drive as kind of dongle because it gives no error messages out when I try to copy a disk to df1:

So the first cyclone copy test does not work and the speed test failed too (freeze).

I think it is a kind of dongle and a dd drive.

The seller wrote something about Blitzcopy , what is this mysterious blitzcopy ?

Maybe I need an other driver for HD support ?
Buleste 20:23 7th March 2008
Sounds like it's just a normal external disk drive then. It doesn't even look like a dongle. What it looks like is a PC Disk drive adapted so that it can be used as an external drive but with no HD support.
Harrison 21:36 7th March 2008
Yeah, all external Amiga disk drives have an extra circuit in them like that anyway to make the drives work with the Amiga's file structure. I expect the drive is just a standard Power Computing 880B normal double density disk drive.
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