Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: How old were you when you learned to drive?
my_lo 18:16 21st June 2008
I was 25 and my mother almost forced me, i hated it. It took me 4 times before i succeeded and still now, i'm a real danger on the road.
Harrison 10:06 23rd June 2008

How are the driving lessons going? Have you taken your test yet?
Stephen Coates 12:03 23rd June 2008
Test? I've only been aving lessons for a couple of months?

I'm getting better though.
Buleste 12:08 23rd June 2008
Remember flashing your lights and tooting your horn at fit women is perfectly acceptable.
Harrison 14:45 23rd June 2008
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
Test? I've only been aving lessons for a couple of months?

I'm getting better though.
I only had 13 weeks of lessons before passing my test first time, so I thought you must be getting close to thinking about your test by now.

How many lessons have you had so far? Are you becoming more confident driving a car?
Stephen Coates 16:57 23rd June 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
Test? I've only been aving lessons for a couple of months?

I'm getting better though.
I only had 13 weeks of lessons before passing my test first time, so I thought you must be getting close to thinking about your test by now.

How many lessons have you had so far? Are you becoming more confident driving a car?
I've had about 12 or 13 now. I am not remotely close to wanting to do the test. If I were to have any chance of passing the test now, the examiner would have to be extremely lenient.
Harrison 09:01 24th June 2008
When I had lessons they were 1.5 hours long. This meant the extra half an hour was used to get where we needed to be, leaving a whole hour to actually start practising driving skills. Plus I had two lessons a week. Therefore in reality I had 26 lessons of 1.5 hours before taking my test. So 39 hours (they recommend about 40 hours minimum to learn).
Demon Cleaner 09:10 24th June 2008
I only had 14 hours before I took the test, the minimum you must have here was 12 hours at that time, that was back in 1989. Nowadays you need more hours. And I succeeded the test the first time.
Harrison 09:40 24th June 2008
What do they include in the driving tests in Luxembourg?

In the UK when I took the test we had to do a visual number plate test to prove your eye sight was ok then answer 3 random questions from the highway code, then during the test you had to do parallel parking, a three point turn, reversing around a corner, emergency stop, using a roundabout, merging into traffic from a side junction, correctly turning right at an intersection, and at traffic lights, and then some general driving and following directions.

These days they have added a written test you need to take before you can then take your practical test, and I think they have added more to the actual test now too.

I was just trying to think what year I took my test. I had just turned 21 so it must have been January 1994, so I've been driving for 14 years now. I hadn't bothered learning to drive until then because I had a free student bus pass to get to college and into the local cities.
Demon Cleaner 10:18 24th June 2008
Originally Posted by :
These days they have added a written test you need to take before you can then take your practical test, and I think they have added more to the actual test now too.
Same in Luxembourg, you have to take a written test, and if you succeed, you can begin your driving lessons. And at that time you needed at least 12 hours of practical test, which wasn't a lot, but this has now changed.
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