Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: How old were you when you learned to drive?
J T 14:59 1st November 2007
I applied for my licence so I could start learning straight away once I was 17.

I found it very tiring at first as there was so much to concentrate on and you are using your hands and feet in completely different ways to that which you are used to. It didn't come naturally to me, but with practice it became a lot easier and before too long was like second nature.

I was taught to drive by my uncle. He was a bit of a c-unit and made out he was doing it cheaply for us (he wasn't). I passed 2nd time. I wouldn't say learing to drive is especially hard, but driving by the very tight constraints required to pass the test can be quite tricky. As Harrison has alluded to, the old adage is that you 'really start learning how to drive after you've passed your test'

If you don't want to do it, don't. I personally couldn't imagine not being able to drive as I do enjoy it and it makes life a lot easier for me - but it's not for everyone.
Harrison 16:08 1st November 2007
Originally Posted by J T:
...but it's not for everyone.
I wish the instructors and examiners would tell these people! So many driving that shouldn't be allowed on the roads!
StuKeith 18:11 1st November 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
So you did have a motorbike licence then? Just not a car one.
Yes. Pass that when I was 18/19
Buleste 18:12 1st November 2007
I started riding motorbikes at 16 but didn't learn to drive a car until i was 27 (I was too old to be getting cold and pissed wet through).
Harrison 22:51 1st November 2007
Now the question is, what car would you choose to buy if you did learn to drive, Steve?

For some strange reason I could picture you actually riding a vintage Moped.
Stephen Coates 08:04 2nd November 2007
As long as it has a radio/cassette and air conditioning I'd be happy.
Harrison 12:14 2nd November 2007
Radio/Cassette! Retro as ever!

So it doesn't matter if the car is rusting to pieces and a nightmare to drive, as long as you are cool inside and can listen to some crackly muffled old music.
TiredOfLife 13:30 5th November 2007
Never bothered to learn and have no intentions in that direction either.
No drinking and driving = no driving.
Puni/Void 19:12 7th November 2007
I'm actually going to start taking the driver licence next Monday! Have postponed it for years due to lack of cash, but now it seems like I will be able to finance it (hopefully).
It costs a fortune here in Norway, and I really mean a fortune.
Stephen Coates 15:34 19th November 2007
How much exactly?

I've just been looking at the costs of driving licenses here in England and it looks like it costs £45 for a preliminary license, and about £70 for the theory/practical test. No idea how much lessons would cost.

Do preliminary licenses expire at all? I just thought that when I'm 17 I could possibly get one (£££ permitting) and have a go at driving, but then if I want to put it off for a few years I could have lessons/test then.
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