Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Wiimote on PC
Harrison 01:45 1st November 2007
I expect most of you have heard that you can use the Wii Wiimote remote with a PC. Have any of you tried yet?

I found this video on youtube showing a guy playing Half Life 2 using the Wiimote. It work, but it definitely doesn't look as easy to use as a keyboard/mouse.
J T 08:52 1st November 2007
That looks pretty neat, although I'm not sure if it's something I could actually be bothered to try.

What did he have to use as a 'reciever' for the wiimote signal? (I was under the impression it was some sort of bluetooth variant, but I could well be wrong).
Harrison 11:17 1st November 2007
Yes, I think you can just use any bluetooth receiver, so a standard bluetooth dongle plugged into the USB port should work fine. The software to get the Wiimote working is completely free too.

The software I know of is called GlovePIE
v85rawdeal 12:36 1st November 2007
I must admit to having downloaded the entire package to rty out...

... and completely forgot about it until this thread was started.

Will give it a go and see how it works and issue a report (eventually )
J T 14:49 1st November 2007
I'd be more inclined to try it if I had a bluetooth dongle, but I'm not going to get one just to try this (unless of course it turns out to be utterly fantabulous).
Harrison 16:06 1st November 2007
For FPS games I could imagine it would make life harder, rather than more fun. Watching that HL2 video shows it seems quite hard to control. But for other uses I imagine it could be nice to use as it does give full mouse control so might be good for things like media player control.