Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Maaan, what's this funny smell?
v85rawdeal 09:28 8th November 2007
Problem is: I know too many girls who prefer their men to smell 'eau naturalle'... That's why one of them is sleeping with a drummer from a rock group!!!
J T 13:42 13th November 2007
Originally Posted by P G:
Doesn't anyone use Wunderbaums? If you stick a couple of these under your t-shirt you're good to go. Then you won't have to waste any precious money on deo.
What are they?
Harrison 14:27 13th November 2007
I think they are those tree shaped things you hang in your car to make the interior smell worse. Is that right?
Puni/Void 14:36 13th November 2007
That's right!
J T 14:50 13th November 2007
Ah, 'Magic Trees' as we call them.

I love when a friend gets a new one in a car and we rip the whole wrapper off (as you are supposed to uncover them gradually bit by bit to make it last) and the whole car just goes *PONG*
Teho 16:14 13th November 2007
Wunderbaums are just one of those things that for some reason clicks with the kids fresh out of driving school, driving around in their first rustbuckets. A friend of mine bought an entire stand of those once. Had a thick column of them hanging from the mirror almost to the floor of the car. Got in the way every time he was trying to change gears.

Completely mad. But nobody on the street had more Wunderbaums than he.

Fortunately I never had any.

I did have the furry dice though...
Harrison 16:17 13th November 2007
Furry Dice? I won't ask!
Stephen Coates 16:19 13th November 2007
What actually is the point of furry dice?
Harrison 16:25 13th November 2007
I've never seen any point, except that they obstruct your view. Maybe it's another form of compensation for personal inadequacies.
Teho 16:44 13th November 2007
The answer is that those dice, the wunderbaums, the small plastic christmas trees with the blinking lights and so on are all part of the stupidity contest 'who can fit the most cheap junk in/on the car'. Most drivers are guilty of taking part in this during their first year driving, when just being able to drive defined you as cooler than the others. In your own view at least.
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