Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Converting A600 into a console. Great work
Zetr0 12:35 29th January 2008
Now this is a great mod

its simple, and has a great amount of precision under the hood, this is indeed a well thought out mod. and i hope the person is proud of their work, because he / she most certainly has a talent.

Its a good finish with the LED's and the colour, and although I would of prefered the joystick fly-overs to be based at the front or side ( for greater accessability ) its still a mod to be proud of

now all its needs is....

now that would certainly be a box

heres an idea, i have always wanted to put a beefed up A600 into one of these chassis..

Pic 1

Pic 2

I have one of these in the living room for the Media PC, its a nice polished MATX chassis... lots of potential
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