Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Oops, I did it again
TiredOfLife 02:09 15th January 2008
Submeg 02:47 15th January 2008
trouser snake?
toomanymikes 12:24 15th January 2008
Demon Cleaner 13:30 15th January 2008
Buleste 13:49 15th January 2008
Pork sword. Which actually could be appropriate if Teho tries to cut something else off with a saw as then it'd be a slice of pork sausage.
Harrison 13:55 15th January 2008
Poor Teho, I don't think he will ever be allowed to forget his misfortune. I think we should send him a link to the pot noodle advert as a warning to him to be extra careful in future!
Teho 14:09 15th January 2008
Have I ever mentioned how greatly I appreciate your concern for my well-being? It's touching, really.
Buleste 14:15 15th January 2008
We only take the piss because we care........ And we're glad it wasn't one of us.
Teho 14:21 15th January 2008
I know, I was just being sarcastic.
Buleste 14:30 15th January 2008
So was I....I am really glad that it didn't happen to me though. I must be more attatched to my thumb than you... Sorry bad pun.
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