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Thread: Who currently uses Linux?
Stephen Coates 14:42 30th March 2009
Has anyone here used MacUAE?

I used it on the powerbook about 6 years ago and it was very slow. But said computer now has a G3 upgrade so i might try it again sometime.
Harrison 16:47 30th March 2009
I don't think MacUAE is being developed any more. Would still be interesting to find out how well you can get it to run on a newer Mac though.
wilsonsamm 08:17 30th August 2010
I am using Linux as my main operating system (since Windows 95, I have never actually had Windows installed on my own computer, save to try XP out – it quickly got deleted.)

At the moment I use gentoo (have used red hat and slackware in the past) but I might try arch in the next few months...
Stephen Coates 16:56 26th April 2011
Linux can be strange.

I've been getting on quite well with Vector Linux over the last year or so. Had a few issues but they have been quite easy to sort out.

Now, oddly, after doing a software update, my X doesn't work.

X is a pain to get working properly.

Anyway, I fancy a bit of a change so am thinking about reinstalling. Not sure whether to stick with Vector or whether to change to something else. I wouldn't mind changing Windows Managers (I currently use XFCE) but I don't really want to use GNOME or KDE.

Also, I tend to find Linux runs a bit slower than Windows.
Harrison 21:59 26th April 2011
I've had mixed feeling about Linux over the years. I love the way you can tinker with every part of the OS and pick and choose between different Desktops, File Managers and everything else you can think of... but I've also encountered some very annoying issues that have not been easy to fix, especially on laptops. And it can be annoying with network cards sometimes needing to use a fudged workaround that actually uses the Windows drivers. And even the very mature Ubuntu still has its issues.

Personally I will stick to Windows for my main desktop OS, but Linux for my server OS. And for those I currently used Cent OS (based on the open source files from Redhat Enterprise) and Fedora. Have you tried Cent OS yet?
Stephen Coates 23:26 27th April 2011
I've not used CentOS, but I will have a look later.

I downloaded the LXDE based Debian Live CD yesterday, and I am currently running that. LXDE seems nice. Only issue with this live CD is that the ISO image was too big to fit on a CD, so I had to remove some stuff from it.

I'm pondering dual booting Vector Linux and Debian.
SamuraiCrow 15:54 28th April 2011
I keep Xubuntu on my dad's systems and he likes them just fine. As for me? I have a Mac and am pretty happy with it.
Stephen Coates 21:24 29th April 2011
I found a nice looking distribution called Absolute Linux. It is based on Slackware and used the IceWM Windows manager.

I'm going to give this a try.

I re arranged the partitioning on my HDD so I can have a big /home area shared between many systems and can then make several logical partitions for Linux systems and primary partitions for Windows/DOS.

GParted does a good job of partitioning. Only downside is that it took nearly 3 hours to move a 300GB partition to the left.
Buleste 08:13 30th April 2011
I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a Windows 7 Ultimate with Ubuntu going all the resizing and partitioning with no real issues other than with Grub2. However the solution to the Grub2 in my mind proved why Linux will always be a minority OS. The inherent need for all Linux to open a terminal when you need to do something serious will always scare off the less technically minded (it scares me and I'm used to DOS!).
Stephen Coates 21:02 30th April 2011
I think last time I used GRUB I had trouble getting it to work.

I have been using LILO for the last year or so and that seems to be nice and easy to set up.
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