Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: My turn! My birthday!
toomanymikes 12:34 26th October 2007
Happy belated birthday dude!
Sharingan 14:15 26th October 2007
Soup dishes are, of course, the best presents a man can get

Hope you had a nice celebration, mate.
TiredOfLife 18:27 28th October 2007
Missed another and still look like beiong the oldest.
Bugger again.

Happy belated mate.
Tiago 08:41 29th October 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Soup dishes are, of course, the best presents a man can get

Hope you had a nice celebration, mate.
Well, there are a lot of things that i dont have in home, we cannot only get computers, and consoles and those kinf of items... we also need... you know... house objects... dishes, towels, kitchen itens.... i live alone and i need those things... so, receiving Soup dishes could be a good thing, i didnt have any! So it was really cool
Harrison 10:22 29th October 2007
Still, not the most exciting thing to get from your GF! If I gave mine such a present I can guarantee I wouldn't be spoken to again for quite some time...
Tiago 10:46 29th October 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Still, not the most exciting thing to get from your GF! If I gave mine such a present I can guarantee I wouldn't be spoken to again for quite some time...
he he he
She gave me also a eua the toilet (dont know if this is the correct words).
That is not the money that counts, the will or intension is the important here.
She looks for what i really need at the moment,
Anyway, she give me a lot every day and the most important is not what you receive in one single day, but what you receive during your relation.

Material stuff doens't mean much i think.
Do i sound like a girl...?
Demon Cleaner 10:55 29th October 2007
Originally Posted by :
She gave me also a eua the toilet (dont know if this is the correct words).
In french it's spelled "eau de toilette". "Eau" means "water", and is pronounced like an O, like in the word "short".
Harrison 11:22 29th October 2007
We also call it the same in the UK, eau de toilette, with the translation of Toilet Water not sounding quite so nice. Basically just means it's watered down perfume instead of the more expensive actual perfume.
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