Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Classicamiga group
Submeg 13:34 24th October 2007
We need to set up a group for Resistance: Fall of Man. It would be excellent to battle those blasted chimera!
Demon Cleaner 13:59 24th October 2007
I agree. We had a discussion about it in another thread, but I still got no invite or don't know what you need to join an existing clan in R:FOM.
Submeg 21:49 24th October 2007
It looks like v85rawdeal has set one up...we just need invites
Demon Cleaner 22:15 24th October 2007
I'm actually in the clan now. I played 2 rounds with Oz just now and got killed 8 times with 0 kills myself but I have to admit there were very high ranked guys in there, and I'm only private, have to practice a bit in single player mode. Thankfully we have you Submeg but v85rawdeal and toomanymikes have some better stats than me already.

I suppose v85rawdeal created the clan, so that he has to send an invite to join. As I wanted to invite Oz to the clan, but couldn't (or did I do something wrong?). Btw, Oz PSID is CTRLALTDELETE.
v85rawdeal 12:37 27th October 2007
As I do not get online as often as I would like, please be patient with regards to me as I am slow.

have sent out a few more invites, although it seems to be struggling with submeg, but hopefuly that is just me being a prat!
Harrison 13:13 27th October 2007
Would you all like me to setup the classicamiga clan forum again? That way we will have a central place to arrange games, or to request invites.
v85rawdeal 20:17 27th October 2007
That would be much appreciated, Harrison

Ta very muchly, indeed
toomanymikes 15:17 28th October 2007
Now that would be cool. I havent really played much of resistance since I got Warhawk but the idea of forming a sizable CA clan would rock - it was just me and v85rawdeal for ages!
Demon Cleaner 05:38 29th October 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Would you all like me to setup the classicamiga clan forum again? That way we will have a central place to arrange games, or to request invites.
Yep, why not.
Harrison 10:18 29th October 2007
OK, I will setup a forum for it today.

All this PS3 and multiplayer talk is really tempting me to buy a PS3 earlier than I intended just so I don't miss out. Again I was very tempted. I was stood in the local Blockbuster renting a DVD and they had the 60GB PS3 sitting there looking at me. I very nearly did too...
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