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Thread: AmigaOS4 for Classic - 30th November
Harrison 10:42 3rd December 2007
There were other reasons why Apple jumped ship and moved completely over to Intel processors. IBM just were not developing PPC processors at the same speed as Intel and Apple could see they were in danger of being left behind. Also Apple needed a mobile G5 processor for their laptops to keep them competitive with Intel PC mobiles and IMB refused to develop a cool running G5 for this purpose as it would have cost them too much in development compared to the return on investment.

IBM however are now much better off without Apple always demanding better processors. Why? They have an exclusive deal with Apple's arch rival Microsoft, supplying PPC cpu's for the Xbox 360. And as it is a console the CPU never needs to have more development done to it, it is a fixed unit so they can just keep turning out the same chip for the life of the console and watch the money roll in.

However, what this does mean is that PPC chip development is probably not focused on development for desktop use at the moment and instead is more likely to be developed for integrated and mobile technology instead. A market where Intel can't really use any of their current desktop or mobile processors, but PPC is ideally suited.

Of course this could be a cool development for the Amiga, if ever anyone decided to exploit it. A mobile Amiga running OS4 on a portable PPC powered platform? Good idea, but I doubt it will come it anything.

BTW, the rumours and initial announcements do hint at Amiga OS5 being a portable OS that will run across multiple platforms. What this actually means is anyone's guess, and we don't even know if OS5 is even related to Workbench. It could just be a confusing name given to the new OS that has been in development for mobile devices anyway, but I hope that isn't the case.
Buleste 15:23 3rd December 2007
The compatability list was updated on 01/12/07. At least now i know my CV64/3D works if i decide to get it.
Stephen Coates 15:33 3rd December 2007
Originally Posted by :
However, what this does mean is that PPC chip development is probably not focused on development for desktop use at the moment and instead is more likely to be developed for integrated and mobile technology instead. A market where Intel can't really use any of their current desktop or mobile processors, but PPC is ideally suited.
I think Amiga Inc have been saying things about this for ages. And I think I remember hyperion or omeone else saying that amigaos 4 makes a good system for portable/integrated devices.
Harrison 16:13 3rd December 2007
They have been saying it since the middle of the 90's and some have tried to integrate Workbench/Amiga OS into some integrated platforms including the most famous which was going to use it in a set top TV box, but that idea was scrapped due to funding reasons. These days it would run easily on a PDA style device, or even something like a smart phone. Imagine how cool that would be, an Amiga phone!
Stephen Coates 16:26 3rd December 2007
Not a telephone.

Telephones are for making telephone calls with. Not as a computer replacement.

PDAs might be OK though.
Harrison 16:52 3rd December 2007
But is a smart phone really a phone? Look at the Nokia N range and make your own mind up. I think the phone part is really just a part of them left over from the past when you look at what else they do. Although I've heard the N range of phones do crash a lot!
TiredOfLife 19:27 4th December 2007
Sony have been approached allegedly.
Supposed to be quite interested.
Again nothing can happen until the court case is resolved.
Buleste 11:34 5th December 2007
I'm a little concerned if OS4 classic is going to be delivered. Whilst Nov 30th was the official release date Hyperion also states that it may be later depending on where you are and AmiKit, who are the only seemingly large retailer in the U.K., don't have it in yet. Another failier by Hyperion?
Stephen Coates 12:21 5th December 2007
Are you saying that it hasn't been released yet?

Vesalia seem to have it in stock, and there are photos of the box/disks/manuals on the Amiga Future website. If AmigaKit don't have it in stock the only thing I can think of is that they have sold out.
Buleste 12:43 5th December 2007
AmiKit have arriving imminantly. I.E. We've ordered them but are waiting for tehm to arrive. Strange thing is i've just been looking on ebay and there's a guy selling a PPC but is also showing pictures of OS4 classic being installed..
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