Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: My birthday stash!
Puni/Void 11:16 21st October 2007
Happy birthday, Submeg! Congrats on the PS3!
Tiago 12:27 21st October 2007
Happy Birthday !
Submeg 13:32 21st October 2007
Cheers everyone! Oh I went and bought resistance: fall of man today! Woo!
v85rawdeal 14:45 21st October 2007
Hope you find RFOM as enjoyable as the rest of us certainly seem to have.

The online mode is excellent, especially when doing a custom game consisting of 40 players running around with shotguns only. Now that is sick fun.
Sharingan 20:00 21st October 2007
Happy birthday, and congrats

Seems like a lot of people are getting themselves PS3s since the price drop announcement. Over here, the 60GB models are quickly selling out.

Do share your PSN ID over at the Next-gen section ... maybe we could form a Classicamiga Shotgun Squad in Resistance some day and blow up some nubs together.
Submeg 21:58 21st October 2007
Will do, I have to set the net up on my PS first
J T 08:59 22nd October 2007
Happy Birthday, glad you are pleased with the PS3.
Submeg 12:15 22nd October 2007
Damn straight, playing it on a 51 in. plasma with HDMI is how can you say....awe...I mean excellent!
Demon Cleaner 19:40 22nd October 2007
Happy BD and congrats for the PS3, now we'll have a high skill gamer in our clan for R:FOM
Submeg 22:04 22nd October 2007
Lol, I need to practise...Im only playing on easy atm...but really that is walk into the open and smack heads....I should prob play on normal....

The difference between HDMI and composite is much more detail! I am impressed

Alright, internet set up....downloading latest version right do u find the PSN ID?
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