Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: That rare obscure game that was never released
Ghost 03:11 16th October 2007
Hello all,

Perhaps once in a while going through a game or a magazine you suddenly recall the memory of a game that was in development years ago that caught your interest.
It wasn't perhaps a good game but you definitely wanted to have a look at it or read a review about it.

But the it disappeared into development hell or the company went bust before it was finished.
And sometimes you even forgot its name

Once in a while I had this with an old game I read in a Amiga magazine years ago, it was a sort of Gauntlet/Alien Breed style overhead shooter and though it wasn't that incredible looking I was still curious about it.

With the online Amiga magazines I recently discovered I have finally managed to find the name of this game; it was called Malfunction and it was developed by Digital Illusions, known for their pinball games at the time and later of course the Battlefield games.

On the scan I read it was going to more than just a shooter, it would also have had adventure elements, making it more involving.

Its sad that it never got finished for some reason.

Do any of you have similar experiences?


This was a similar case, but for the PC
Sharingan 07:24 16th October 2007
Can't for the life of me remember a cancelled Amiga project that I would've liked to see right now, but as for games on other platforms, I was rather disappointed when Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance III went bye-bye. I definitely would've liked to see that one.
Puni/Void 14:38 16th October 2007
This is not either an obscure or rare game, but The Fall: Last Days of Gaia. I waited a long time for the English version of this RPG, but it was (after what I know) never released. I've given up on it, and haven't checked for it for a long time. Actually, I'll have a look now just for fun.

Right.. the official homepage is down, so that's not good news. Seems like an English version was never released.

Another title I remember waiting for was Lost Eden for the CD32. There was a lot of writing about the game in various Amiga mags at the time and there were even screenshots posted. Sadly this game never made it to the Amiga.
Harrison 15:17 16th October 2007
I also waited a long time for The Fall, but I think only the German version was ever released. I wonder if any fans will eventually translate it?
Ghost 18:56 16th October 2007
Hello Harrison,

Could you transfer this to the general topic thread, I think that just the Amiga alone is limited.
People probably have games for dozens of machines they really looked forwards too.
Demon Cleaner 22:33 16th October 2007
Originally Posted by :
Play Ring of Red! It's awsome!!!1
I played Ring of Red a lot, it's indeed a good game.