Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Which Star Wars character would you be?
Harrison 16:30 2nd October 2007
We had a "who is your favourite Star Wars characters" thread a while back, but I thought it might be interesting to see which character you would pick to actually be?

Personally I would pick one of the bounty hunters. Boba Fett has always been my favourite character from the who Star Wars franchise, along with his father Jango and his slightly cooler looking armour. Plus their Slave 1 ship is great too.

Or Boushh.

Either that or Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke and Anakin, and the son of Kol, the most powerful leader of the high council.

BTW, has anyone else explored the Star Wars Wiki? It's really cool and contains a lot of information. Just reading any of the pages dedicated to even the well known characters such as Leia will reveal a lot of information you probably never knew as the fans editing these pages have filled in all the back story and times before, after and between the films using the comics, graphic novels, stories, books and other sources that have been written since the films. A great site.
Tiago 16:46 2nd October 2007
I would be Luke Skywalker just because he merried MARA JANE !!!!!
I allways like that red hair !!!

For those how are not familiar with Star Wars,
after the six episodes (cinema) Luke married Mara Jane !!! And they had kids... and those kids, later...i will not tell more... he he he... read the books
Harrison 16:57 2nd October 2007
You meant Mara Jade.

Do you notice how the artist has cleverly included aspects of Princess Leia in the look of Mara? For those who don't know, Leia is Mara's aunt.
Tiago 17:14 2nd October 2007
My english is allways playing with be,

sorry master, Mara Jade, i read the books so long ago, i dont remember well.

But i remember that Luke went to the dark side and then return from it.
I also read one book about their children. I read many Start Wars Books, but it was many years ago, and most of them were not available in Portuguese... it was a difficult task to undestand how a Death start works with all that tecnical stuff in english
Sharingan 18:02 2nd October 2007
I would be Princess Leia, so I could play with myself.


Probably Mace Windu, because he's badass. I would've chopped the Emperor to pieces.
Demon Cleaner 18:28 2nd October 2007
Any of the Darth guys are cool and evil. I tend to prefer the dark or evil side of characters, not only in Star Wars, as they look much cooler.
J T 15:55 8th October 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
I would be Princess Leia, so I could play with myself.


Probably Mace Windu, because he's badass. I would've chopped the Emperor to pieces.
This is totally the mind set that should be encouraged.

I'd be an Ewok, just to piss off my mate - he really, really cannot stand Ewoks.