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Thread: PS3 news and tidbits thread
Harrison 22:26 16th April 2008
I've always quite liked golf games and enjoyed the earlier PSX and PS2 games from the Everybody's Golf series. Definitely has the aim of fun in mind rather than realism.
Demon Cleaner 05:40 17th April 2008
I didn't update to the newest version yet, but Oz did, and also told me that the loading times were quite annoying due to the high traffic.
v85rawdeal 11:19 17th April 2008
The latest update is now available here.

Approx 124mb in size....
Sharingan 20:51 5th June 2008
Countdown to Metal Gear Solid 4: 7 days!

v85rawdeal 20:57 5th June 2008
Yay, next-gen amazing gameplay interspersed with the odd 1/2 hour movie... every five minutes!!!

Actually, it should be quite an impressive game (Famitsu gave it 40/40) that should shift more consoles... Not that GTA didn't shift them either. Portsmouth was completely out of stock of PS3s a couple of days after GTA came out.

And that's without the advertising that the 360 version got (every mag advert I saw was 360 based, as was the TV advert).
Submeg 22:22 5th June 2008
Well it's obvious why....cause the 360 is out of date and cr@p so....
v85rawdeal 22:28 5th June 2008
That reminds me.

I was recently informed that the reason that Gamestation seems to have lots of second-hand 360s is that they are, for the most, new stock that just isnt selling.

It looks like it could be a case of opening them, listing them as sold, and then selling them off as second-hand. Same as happens in the car market.
Submeg 13:59 12th June 2008
I just got MGS4.




It is wonderful
Harrison 15:38 12th June 2008
Many reviewers are saying they are disappointed with MGS4 because it doesn't deliver everything that was promised during the previews. However they have all then gone on to give it high scores, so although some ideas for the game were dropped during development they all still seem to think it is a good addition to the series.

What are your initial thoughts about the game, gameplay etc... and is it as good as you thought it was going to be?
Submeg 22:55 12th June 2008
Seriously, everyone is being so harsh on games these days. I don't read previews, I just know the series and I buy it. The storyline is strong, I really have 2 go back and play the others to remember the games! They use all the same voice actors, which is good (I won't go into detail for which characters)

controls are the same, which is always a big plus. The kept the CQC, which was a good idea. The gameplay is as smooth as always, the sneaking part of this game is very dfferent,as there are two groups fighting each other, rather than all looking to get u. So it gets easy to slip past them and avoid getting into gunfights.

Graphics are excellent, looks sweet on my plasma. Sound is very absorbing, it's a big part of this game, the soldiers are very aware of sound and now smell. The camo is cool...very interesting and works pretty well! I was laying down in front of this log and there was an enemy soldier standing on the log and he didn't see me. Was good!

I havent played it for that long, as I have a stack of uni work to do, so I don't have time, but of what I have played, the storyline is so good. I forgot how a good storyline really makes a game. The characters are cool....just overall it's a really good game.
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