Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Joysticks for Amiga
Tiago 09:30 25th September 2007
Hy everyone.
I have to buy a new Joystick, my old one is not going well. It's a old one i used to play in Spectrum ... more then 15 years old...

What should i buy? I dont whant to spend to much.
Joysticks/pads from Sega Megadrive work in Amiga right? But my local stores dont have such a old joysticks with 9 pin ports....

In they have a convertor from 15 pin Pc to 9 pin Amiga, it costs 14.80.
Anyone have to schematics of this adaptador?

Is it a good option? Because i think even 15 pin Joystick could be hard to find. i dont one a flight joy, i want those small arcade joystick.... buying a new one is expensive...

+/- 13 euros + 4.61 euros for shipping ....
i was looking for a less expensive thing...

I could also buy at ebay... but the postmans here in Pt are not delicate... i dont know how the Joy would arrive...

any ideas?
Harrison 09:46 25th September 2007
They are making the famous Competition Pro Joystick again. And in two versions. One is a USB version so you can connect it to a PC which is great for emulation, and the other has the classic 9 pin Atari connector so you can use it on the Amiga.

Amigakit sell them for £9.39 and is what I recommend you buy.
Demon Cleaner 12:40 25th September 2007
I have the Competition Pro in both versions (real Amiga and one for WinUAE), and they are ace. Buy one (or two).
toomanymikes 17:06 25th September 2007
If you can you should pick up a ZIPSTIK - try to get an older model with fully microswitched controls. You will never want another joystick again!
Harrison 17:11 25th September 2007
Zipstik is still my favourite Amiga joystick. Sadly mine has a broken microswitch now But at least you can get the Competition Pro's I mentioned brand new which is great for Amiga fans.
Tiago 08:26 26th September 2007
Yes, i think i will buy one of those, they look good, with that arcade style.
Submeg 04:18 5th October 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Zipstik is still my favourite Amiga joystick. Sadly mine has a broken microswitch now But at least you can get the Competition Pro's I mentioned brand new which is great for Amiga fans.
Can you crack open joysticks? Or are the microswitches so enclosed in the unit that you cant get them out?