Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Attention!! MAME v111u2 containing bugs
Demon Cleaner 17:01 5th January 2007
This is what it says, so don't immediately update

WARNING: History.dat and mameinfo.dat support is temporarily disabled due to a bug in official core.
You have to disable cheats option too or every game will freeze at startup. (official MAME bug)

Harrison 22:32 5th January 2007
That's not good.

I don't normally bother with the u releases though. I normally wait for the next proper MAME release to come out and then upgrade. I did used to update every time a u release came out but it was sometimes a daily event and I don't think it's really worth it as you don't often get many new games supported and the u releases are in reality beta's leading up to the next proper release.
Demon Cleaner 22:47 5th January 2007
Originally Posted by :
I don't normally bother with the u releases though. I normally wait for the next proper MAME release to come out and then upgrade. I did used to update every time a u release came out but it was sometimes a daily event and I don't think it's really worth it as you don't often get many new games supported and the u releases are in reality beta's leading up to the next proper release.
Same for me.