Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Soccer and formula 1
Tiago 14:21 20th September 2007
Williams was very good in the 80s and early 90s....
i remember Nelson Piquet (williams) overtaking Senna (lotus) in Hungary in main straight outside... was fabulous!!
AlexJ 14:24 20th September 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
In regard to Hamilton, I feel sorry for Button this year. Personally I think he is as good a driver as Hamilton if given a good car, but Honda just got it completely wrong this year (maybe the badly calibrated wind tunnel was to blame, who knows). Hamilton has just fallen on his feet, groomed by McLaren since the age of 12 and given a car that now turns out to of had an advantage due to the team knowing the secrets of their main rival!

Don't get me wrong, Hamilton is a very good driver, and a nice guy, plus he is English , but he isn't quite AS good as people have been spouting all year. Stick him in a Honda and I bet he would be performing on a par with Button and Barrichello.
He was quite spectacular in the GP2 races last season (where all cars are the same) and I think he is better than Button, but he has been overhyped. He's a top driver, but not the top driver. Button is performing on roughly the same level as Barrichello who was a clear No.2 at Ferrari to Schumacher. Schumacher could be (and was) beaten by Alonso who Hamilton is competing on a similar level to.

Don't get me wrong, any F1 driver could get in a Ferrari or McLaren this season, and the worse they'd finish would be fourth such is the gap to the rest of the cars, but I think Hamilton would have the edge on Button should they both have the same car.

I rate two other drivers this year. Anthony Davidson (Super Aguri) and Adrian Sutil (Spyker) both deserve better teams as Davidson has been putting many bigger teams to shame in qualifying and Sutil has thrashed all his team-mates this season.

It's just a shame ITV has taken "Buttonmania" and amplified it because Hamilton has won races. Their over-coverage of Hamilton and the way they ignore other drivers is enough to put many F1 fans off the driver.
Tiago 14:30 20th September 2007
What about Tiago Monteiro from last year ???
He finnish 3th in Indianapolis..... ok only 6 cars running

But with a better car he probably would do much better. The best he do in Jordan was a 8th place in Spa, not bad !! It was raining so the difference to others was not so big.
Harrison 15:10 20th September 2007
I agree about Anthony Davidson. He has been driving very well this year, and in a back marker. He showed his potential when he had a drive for a few races a couple of years back, and I'm glad he finally got a proper drive to show what he could do. Hopefully better teams will offer him a contract soon so he can go places.

There have also been some other drivers who have shown they can drive well this year. Heidfeld has been driving very well this year and has been consistently on the points, often just behind the top two teams, and currently in 5th place in the drivers championship. And Heikki Kovalainen is another driver who has suddenly shown a lot of progress and potential, out classing Fiscichella in most races.

One driver that has been disappointing this year is Alex Wurz. From the past he has shown great potential, but he hasn't shown it this year. But the worst for this has to be Coulthard, Trulli and Ralf Schumacher who all just sit in the middle of the field race after race and never shine.
AlexJ 17:57 20th September 2007
I'd agree with Trulli, Ralf and Fisichella. Not so sure about DC though, the Red Bull is a definate midfield car, but DC and Webber do drive it quite well until it breaks down. Rosberg in the Williams is another driver who is definately talented and probably deserves a better drive (although Williams reckon they can match Renault and BMW next year... we'll see)
Harrison 23:18 20th September 2007
Personally I don't rate DC as a very good driver. He has only really driven well (and won) at Monaco, but that could be because he lives there so knows the roads like the back of his hand! I just don't think he has shone in the same way as the very talented F1 drivers. Especially when you consider how many years he has been in the sport. And think back to the 90's. He was driving as Hill's team mate, and yet couldn't compete with him.

I also read a recent interview with DC and it put me right off the bloke. He came across as a very arrogant, egotistical, male chauvinist, and his view on women made Eddie Irvine look like a saint!
AlexJ 23:43 20th September 2007
He's not WDC material, and he definitely wasted his years at McLaren but he's driving better than he has ever done now near the end of his career, in my opinion. Somehow being in a worse car has made him start to compete more.
Harrison 12:33 21st September 2007
He has always seemed to lose his fight during the middle of races. I remember when with McLaren he would always start the races quite well, but then just drive around the track for much of the rest of the race not really competing or fighting for positions.
toomanymikes 12:52 21st September 2007
1. Newcastle United
2. McLaren - But i do have a soft spot for Ferrari

I dont watch much F1 these days because it just isnt as good as it used to be back when Damon Hill and Schumacher were rivals. Moto GP is far more intense - Ducati all the way!
Tiago 13:05 21st September 2007
Originally Posted by toomanymikes:
1. Newcastle United
2. McLaren - But i do have a soft spot for Ferrari

I dont watch much F1 these days because it just isnt as good as it used to be back when Damon Hill and Schumacher were rivals. Moto GP is far more intense - Ducati all the way!
YE, in italy they say that
Ducati is the Ferrari on bikes !!!
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