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Thread: Did you read any J. R. R. Tolkien book?
Tiago 16:48 19th September 2007
I just finnish my 8th book from Tolkien.
My list is:

- The Silmarillion
- Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth
- The Hobbit
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King
- The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
- The Children of Húrin

The best one, the more fantastic, the best book in the world is:
"The Silmarillion"

"The Silmarillion is not a traditional, single-text novel, but a collection of five separately titled texts, the “Ainulindale,” “Valaquenta,” “Quenta Silmarillion,” “Akallabeth,” and “Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age.” These texts are the distillation of decades of imaginative work and mountains of notes accumulated by J. R. R. Tolkien in a fantasy which stretches from the birth of a universe through its mythical age and the departure from the created world of its visible supernatural and immortal denizens."
Harrison 16:59 19th September 2007
Yes, I'm a big fan of Tolkien books. I've read all of the ones you listed.

I noticed you didn't list "The book of Lost Tales" part 1 and 2. Have you read those?

Amd have you read any Terry Brooks books?
Puni/Void 17:39 19th September 2007
I've read quite a lot of Tolkien as well during the years. I did actually finish Silmarillion this summer, and I read the Hobbit before that. I started reading Tolkien years ago, but I still come back to his works from time to time, reading them over and over again.

As for books in general, I'm as always sinking my teeth into the world of alternate history. Right now I'm hooked on the Ring of Fire series by Eric Flint. This is about a US town called Grantville, which is suddenly transported back to 1632, right in the middle of the Thirty Years' War. If you would like to get more information on this series, there's a ton available on the Internet.

I also read a classic not long ago, which is called The Shrinking Man. It was written by Richard Matheson, an author of many classic science-fiction novels. This story is basically about a man that is exposed to a cloud of radiactive spray, which makes him shrink, inch by inch. After a while, you'll be presented with how a human can cope in the world of insects, which are much larger than himself. It is well worth reading and should be available in your local library.
Demon Cleaner 18:25 19th September 2007
Nope, I just don't read books, sorry guys (I wonder where Harrison still takes the time to read a book )
Sharingan 18:30 19th September 2007
I've only read the LOtR trilogy, and parts of The Silmarillion. I really should be reading The Hobbit too, at the very least, as a friend of mine has recommended.

To be 100% honest, I do find Tolkien's writing style to be a bit ... long-winded. Then again, he wrote those books ages ago, so obviously, they can't really be compared to fiction as it it written now.

Right now, I'm re-reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series (when the hell are they going to release the latest book? It was supposed to be due at the beginning of 2007! At this rate, the author is going to die of old age before he can finish the last two books), and starting on R.A. Salvatore's The Thousand Orcs.

As you can see, I'm into fantasy mostly!
Harrison 21:29 19th September 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
(I wonder where Harrison still takes the time to read a book )
Don't worry, I do manage to fit that in too. I tend to read books during my breaks at work during the evenings.

I tend to read Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror the most, plus quite a few history books. Currently I'm reading a lot about Chinese history which is really interesting.
Tiago 07:35 20th September 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Yes, I'm a big fan of Tolkien books. I've read all of the ones you listed.

I noticed you didn't list "The book of Lost Tales" part 1 and 2. Have you read those?

Amd have you read any Terry Brooks books?

"The book of Lost Tales" ??? no, i did not. I never saw that one on any store...
Harrison 11:31 20th September 2007
The two books in "The book of Lost tales" contain the first histories of Middle Earth before the Silmarillian and are worth reading.

There are also many other books in the "History of Middle Earth" series that have been released more recently, but I've not yet read most of them. These have been completed by Tolkein's son from all of the note books his father wrote during his life, and it seems there are quite a few of these books published now, including:

Tales from the Perilous Realm


Morgoth's Ring

Sauron Defeated

The Return of the Shadow (History of Middle-Earth)

The War of the Ring (History of Middle-Earth)

The War of the Jewels: V.2 1 (History of Middle-Earth)

Lays of Beleriand (History of Middle-Earth)

The Treason of Isengard: The History of Middle-Earth: V.VII 1 (History of Middle-Earth)

Peoples of Middle-Earth (History of Middle-Earth)

The Lost Road: V.5 1 (History of Middle-Earth)

The Shaping of Middle-Earth (History of Middle-Earth)

The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays

and more...
Tiago 12:04 20th September 2007
So many.....
yap, but in Portuguese i never saw them... and in English is to much complicated for me... i'll keep looking for them in PT
Harrison 12:12 20th September 2007
All twelve of the "History of Middle-Earth" books are also available in 3 hardback volumes, costing £40 each. Plus there is an index book that goes with them and lists the indexes of the history of the creation of Middle Earth and the process Tolkien took in creating them.