Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Poll: What is the first thing you drink in the day?
What is the first thing you drink in the day?
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    Thread: Tea, coffee or juice
    toomanymikes 14:14 12th September 2007
    All of Harrisons polls this morning had a breakfasty sort of theme to them, which got me thinking what do you drink first thing in the morning? I dosent have to be with breakfast, it could be when you get to work or with a snack - just the first drink you have in the day.

    Mine would be water cos i dont drink anything with breakfast but have a glass of water when i arrive at the office.

    If anyone says beer i want your job!
    Puni/Void 14:18 12th September 2007
    I always have a glass of juice in the morning with my breakfast. Afterwards it's coffee all the way until lunch.
    v85rawdeal 14:19 12th September 2007
    Normally it is water, or the first drink that is available to me when I get up. That itself depends on whether I have a bottle of fizzy pop beside the bed at night.

    So today, I had some water in the morning, but yesterday it was some shandy and the day before it was probably a Frijj shake (the Brownie flavoured one).

    A few years ago, my breakfast would have consisted of the previous night's already-digested kebab and half-a-bottle of Thunderbird.

    I guess my diet has improved... a bit!
    Teho 14:30 12th September 2007
    A glass of water for me too, first thing when I get up. Then it's coffee after that.
    J T 14:57 12th September 2007
    I always take a glass of water with me to bed. In fact, it's become such a habit that I get a little bit agitated if for some reason I can't (say at someone else's house, camping, a hotel or something).

    It doesn't all get drunk of course, and so very often I'll have some of that water in the morning too. Then juice (orange/apple) or a coffee. Sometimes Lemonade
    Sharingan 15:07 12th September 2007
    Usually milk, sometimes tea. The rest of the day, I drink water and some tea. I used to drink quite a bit of coffee during weekdays, but decided to quit since it gave me headaches in weekends.
    Puni/Void 15:11 12th September 2007
    Maybe the reason you got headaches in the weekends after drinking it monday to friday, was caffein-abstinence? I'll probably get the same if I suddenly stop drinking coffee for a couple of days.
    Demon Cleaner 15:17 12th September 2007
    I have many problems with my stomach, and it doesn't like such things, especially in the early morning minutes. My stomach will mostly hurt if I drink milk, coffee or juice, so I just drink coke, sprite or water, which is fine with my stomach.

    Some people ask me how I can drink cola when I wake up, but I have no problems with that, I could even drink beer, my stomach doesn't care (eventually that could be the practice ).
    Harrison 15:18 12th September 2007
    It is always a strong black coffee first thing before anything else for me. I can't function without one.

    I have reduced the amount of coffee I'm drinking for the rest of the day though. I used to drink coffee all day, but thought it was getting a bit unhealthy, so now I have a coffee when i wake up and then tend to drink glasses of water throughout the day, with maybe one coffee lunchtime or in the afternoon.
    Demon Cleaner 15:20 12th September 2007
    If I drink coffee now, I run immediately to the toilet. Same with ice cold milk. Strange that it doesn't happen with ice cold cola.
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