Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Poll: What milk to you like?
What milk to you like?
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    Thread: What type of milk do you like?
    Puni/Void 15:12 12th September 2007
    Semi-skimmed milk all the way!
    Harrison 15:41 12th September 2007
    I've tried very fresh milk straight from the cow once a long time ago and didn't like it much. The first thing that puts you off is the strong smell, then the fact that unlike the nice filtered chilled milk, fresh milk is quite warm! And as said very strong tasting.
    Rebb/TRSI 17:19 12th September 2007
    Organic milk, with coffee I usually buy organic stuff anyway, if possible (means not too pricey).
    TiredOfLife 23:09 12th September 2007
    Only drink full taste milk.
    The semi skimmed stuff tastes like full taste milk that has gone off.
    Wouldn't attempt skimmed.
    Submeg 09:14 24th February 2008
    Full all the way.....skim is nasty like hell
    Buleste 09:32 24th February 2008
    Unfortunatley due to women i've been on Semi skimmed so long that if i even look at normal milk i get heartburn. But as my bones are so brittle I couldn't pick up a bottle anyway.
    Submeg 09:35 24th February 2008
    So if I threw a feather at you, you would crumble?
    Buleste 10:47 24th February 2008
    Like the white cliffs of Dover. Which is ironic as the White cliffs are made of Calcium (albiet Calcium Carbonate).
    Submeg 11:05 24th February 2008
    Haha, excellent. Remember kids, if you ever seen someone carrying a feather, duck and cover!
    sarek2k 20:30 24th February 2008
    I agree with Stephen Coates everything he said in his post is similar to my opion of milk i like full fat cream milk, but have had the others in the past for quite a long while when i came back to full fat milk i couldnt believe how good it tasted (for me anyway)

    Anyone remeber the old days when you'd get a proper glass bottle of milk with all that loverly cream at the top it's just not the same from the super market!
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