Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: What were your favourite PD games?
toomanymikes 11:17 13th October 2007
I had a PD that i think was called Tanks - it was a bit like worms in that you had a tank on on side of a hill and you had to shoot the other taking into account wind speed and direction etc. It was ace!
I used to play quite a few PD games but I cant for the life of me remember what they were called. I was more into the tech demos like Jesus on E's and State of the Art.
Harrison 06:46 14th October 2007
I think we may already have the game you are thinking of on the site. Was it called Tanx?

We even have the game for download so you could try it again.

I will have to have a look through my Amiga HD and see which games were my favourites as I used to have a lot of PD games I played.
toomanymikes 09:22 14th October 2007
Thats the one! Downloading now...
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