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Thread: Disable the Apple Bonjour service!
Harrison 11:41 26th March 2008
Correction - Apple is evil!
Buleste 11:43 26th March 2008
Not evil just the M$ mini me.
Harrison 11:54 26th March 2008
No... Apple is much more evil than M$. 97% of the worlds computer population can't be wrong!
Buleste 12:02 26th March 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
No... Apple is much more evil than M$. 97% of the worlds computer population can't be wrong!
It's hard for that 97% of computing population to disagree when they have no knowledge of anything different. What we need is a computer retailer who has the balls to offer Open Source and free software pre installed on their new machines. Besides M$ and Sapple leach from each other so much that it's getting difficult to know which company is worse.
Harrison 12:10 26th March 2008
Ah! But consider this. Apple developed OSX by taking completely open source software, reworking it and customising it into a closed OS and releasing it for money. M$ in contrast have been working hard on their OSs, for better or for worse, off their own back since the start, but have now just released their full range of APIs as Open Source for anyone to look at, explore, and develop for. So who is better now?
Buleste 12:44 26th March 2008
And why did M$ release those API's?? Because they were forced to by the EU. And wasn't the original DOS an Open project bought for around $50,000 and sold on to IBM?? They are both as evil as each other. This is like trying to compare Musolini and Hitler. Both Evil.
J T 13:19 26th March 2008
I have a very old version of itunes on the PC for my ipod. It works OK. Don't know if the bonjour service is running - I doubt it though as I've never noticed it in any of the running processes or whatever they are called.

Apple stuff is actually growing on me after having used it for so long at work. I really don't get the PC/Apple evangelism. They both do the job but in slightly different ways. Better to have choice, right? And competition to encourage innovation/improvement/whatever.
Harrison 13:30 26th March 2008
I hate Apple because all of their products are closed and restricted and force you to do everything the way they want you to do it.
J T 13:33 26th March 2008
Some people like it like that, kept simple and clean, easy and safe. You can't begrudge them their opinion/preferences/taste. I can very much see why apple is popular.

I just can't see why some people think it is the best in the world ever oh-my-god-we-love-you-here-take-all-our-money-we-will-convert-everyone-to-the-ways

If you catch my drift.
Harrison 14:05 26th March 2008
And the problem is, that is how most Apple fans behave.
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