Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Doing anything over the Bank Holiday?
Harrison 11:54 14th October 2007
Sadly it wasn't. Did you finish of the message?

Maybe we should all start some viral marketing! Start putting graffiti "" where ever we can. Should attract some new visitors to the site.

Just one thing. Remember my name and address are directly linked to the URL so don't start putting it in places people will get upset, such as church pews or police stations!
toomanymikes 11:59 14th October 2007
Maybe we could get Banksy to go some stuff for us - next time Im in London Ill give him a shout!
Harrison 12:04 14th October 2007
Now that would be cool.


I've just had a great Banksy inspired idea. Take the original Commodore Amiga adverts and change them to advertise classicamiga. These could then be used as banner adverts, T-Shirt logos and printed flyers.

They would be retro because they are using the original 80's and 90's adverts, therefore hinting at the site content even more.
Stephen Coates 13:26 14th October 2007

When I opened this topic, I thougt the first post was made today and harrison was saying that tommorow is a bank holiday monday.

(I don't want it to be bank holiday as I need to go to the post office)
Harrison 14:03 14th October 2007
It was the opposite for me. I was hoping we had an unknown Bank Holiday when I saw a fresh post here. How disappointed was I!
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