Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Have to appologise
FOL 23:03 21st August 2007

After reading some of my posts, its clear to me, im must be very tired. 80% of them have no grammar, or dont make sense.

So if i say something confusing, please ask me to make myself clear.
Harrison 23:05 21st August 2007
All the posts I've read have made sense so far. Grammer? Blah, that's for schools! At least you use paragraphs!
TiredOfLife 23:20 21st August 2007
Alright, alright, I've started using paragraphs now.
Demon Cleaner 00:50 22nd August 2007
Originally Posted by :
Alright, alright, I've started using paragraphs now.
Congratulations, I recently saw it in a bigger post of yours, looked better to me
Submeg 07:36 22nd August 2007
Its all good. When I saw things they rarely make sense
TiredOfLife 18:05 22nd August 2007
Forgot to say, by popular demand.
Well popular with Demon anyway.