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Thread: Plug and Play PS2 Modchip on a memory card!
Harrison 17:00 20th August 2007
The power of an advanced PS2 Mod Chip in a Plug `n Play PS2 Memory Card!

120 million PS2/PStwo consoles prepare to become modded via the use of a plug `n play advanced custom memory card! A new product is preparing to be launched within the next two weeks which gives PS2/PSTwo owners all the functions of an advanced PS2 mod chip but directly from an advanced memory card. That means no masses of wires to be soldered, no voiding of the warranty, just a simple insertion
of a special memory card known as `Vast' which will fully unlock ANY PS2 console just as would a hard wired mod chip would do so.

The product essentially exploits a flaw in the PS2 memory card system and uses MagicGate technology which means that the totally innovative design will be 100% secure. When inserted, the following operating system will boot giving any PS2/Two access to a wealth of features.

Coming out in 2 WEEKS!!!....

Lets hope this is real.
Tiago 17:07 20th August 2007
Great news, but... in 2007? It should be done 2/3/4 years ago. But is better now then never.

And for PS3? To soon to talk about that?
FOL 17:49 20th August 2007
This is awesome, hope its true. give me reason to use my PS2 (only played it 5 times, and thats from PS2 Launch).
AlexJ 20:24 20th August 2007
Isn't MagicGate the technology Sony uses to prevent 3rd party unlicenced memory cards from being used? Looks a little bit suspect, but I hope it's true (and <£40). I assume then you just burn a ISO onto a normal DVD-R?

A piccy:

Demon Cleaner 05:50 21st August 2007
Originally Posted by :
Great news, but... in 2007? It should be done 2/3/4 years ago.
That is true. I have both consoles, and both are already chipped, so it comes a bit late for me.
Harrison 12:35 21st August 2007
That problem is that there is no time limit on when someone suddenly discovered an exploit like this. The good news is that if this really is real owning one of this memory card mod chips will keep the PS2 alive for many years to come as it will mean we can use any PS2 (not just a modded on) to run games in the future. So if your PS2 dies you can just get a cheap second-hand one from ebay and plug the card in.

This could be especially good in a few years time when the PS2 starts to become a retro platform and people are downloading PS2 collections to play.
J T 20:15 21st August 2007
This sounds good to me, as there are a lot of PS2 games that I always wanted to try, but never got round to, or are hard to find/ridiculously overpriced. Depending on the price, I may well snap one of these up.

I'll be keeping tabs on this topic.
v85rawdeal 08:56 23rd August 2007
Just seeing that news has persuaded me NOT to 'bin' my PS2... Oh the joy, the passion, the ability to play the PS2 Monster Rancher games
Harrison 11:59 23rd August 2007
The monster rancher games are great. I love trying out different CDs/DVDs just to see what they create each time. Often the result is disappointing and you get a boring generic looking monster, but sometimes you manage to generate a very strange and cool looking creature.

My best one to date had two mouths on a spherical body, with 3 eyes on the end of long stalks, and tentacle like arms.

Out of the Monster Rancher games, I like the third game the most and was disappointed with the fourth. I didn't like the changes they made. It felt like a step back rather than an improvement, except that you can generate some special monsters using specific discs in four.

I do still need to get hold of the latest one though, Monster Rancher EVO.
Demon Cleaner 15:35 23rd August 2007
I only tested Monster Rancher EVO, but can't remember, it's already out since a longer time.
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